Wednesday, January 6th to Wednesday, February 24, 7pm to 8pm
(The first session may run to 8:30 to accommodate housekeeping, background information as well as the first topic.)
C.S. Lewis “The Screwtape Letters”. Lewis wrote The Screwtape Letters during WWII. The current global crisis provides a very similar point of reference to view the letters and the human condition.
We will be listening to and discussing the first 8 to 10 letters written by a “Senior Demon” as he coaches his apprentice on the corruption of a human. Among other topics, the letters address Reason & Reality, Relationships, Troughs and Peaks, and Sincere Prayer. We will listen to an audio recording of each letter, however, it is recommended to have a copy of the book for maximum benefit. E-copies are available ranging from free to $1.99 (Kindle, Kobo, etc.) and print books are available ranging from $10 and up from Amazon, Chapters, etc. (During the COVID lockdown, on-line ordering with pick up curb service is still available at Chapters). Please contact the office to register by January 4th. The relevant Scripture references and the virtual meeting link will be emailed to you in advance of January 6.